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Trail Ridge Road

After our morning hike at Palo Duro we had a long 10 hour drive to Estes Park that ended up being even longer due to a thunderstorm in Kansas that slowed us down quite a bit. We arrived in Estes Park just as it was getting dark and set up the camper. On Saturday we were pretty wiped out, so we decided to be tourists and just drive through Rocky Mountain National Park on Trail Ridge Road.  Trail Ridge is a beautiful drive that climbs way above treeline to alpine terrain.  The highest point on the road is 12,183 feet and at some of the highest elevations there are steep drops off to the side of the road.   While we were on the drive we saw quite a few Marmots who chatter a lot and are very active gathering food, as well as a group of Bighorn Sheep.  

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Nancy

    OH MY GOSH THERE’S SNOW! (and marmots!) I love the pictures and the commentary! So much beauty! Dad…you need to get in the pictures from time-to-time!

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