Exploring the Tetons

Our next stop on the trip was the Grand Tetons, where we met up with Mom, Grandma, and Grandpa. We have been here since Friday. This is one of our favorite places to visit, and some of us are trying to convince others of us to move here. Maybe one day…

Jackson Lake


String Lake

Black Bear!

Hidden Falls


Momma and baby moose! So exciting! They are harder to find than bears!

Avery, eating dinner overlooking the valley (and no, that isn’t her margarita!)

String Lake

Snake River

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Nancy

    Great pictures! Love the wildlife (especially the baby moose!), and Hidden Falls looks gorgeous. And to top it off, Dad’s finally in a picture! Hurrah! Thanks for the clarification about that margarita, although that’s exactly how I smile when I’m that close to one! Keep having fun and sharing your stories and pictures.

  2. Annie

    I’m so glad y’all are having a blast so far! The bear and moose must have been extraordinary to see! What a gorgeous trip. Keep on rambling!

  3. Nancy

    ADORABLE picture of Mom and Avery! It’s already on my wall at work! Thank you!
    P.S. Avery, I really like the shirt you are wearing in this picture!

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